Written by Genevieve Tearle 2001
These recipes are taken from a beautiful little book Genevieve wrote and illustrated for us; recipes we use all the time, many from family occasions.
It is one of most treasured things we have ever been given.
I have included her illustrations, and inserted a few more pictures where they add interest. The text is true to the original and the Kiwi-isms are retained.
Where possible, I have taken pages directly from her
Chocolate Crunch
- 6oz Anchor butter,
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 c weetbix,
- 1 c flour,
- ½ c sugar
- 1 T cocoa,
- 1 t baking powder
- Take 2 bored kids on the weekend or school holidays. Set one aside. Melt butter and essence. In a bowl mix together Weetbix, flour, sugar, cocoa, & baking powder. Pour melted mixture over dry ingredients and mix well.
- Leave ¼ of mixture in bowl for second child to have while licking the bowl.
- Press remaining mixture into a greased Swiss Roll tin and bake for ½ hr at 180C. Ice while hot and cut into squares for kids’ lunches and random snacks.
Apricot Chicken
- 8 chicken pieces,
- 1 packet onion soup
- Can apricot halves,
- sprinkle of herbs
- ½ c water,
- salt & pepper to taste
- 1 large onion chopped
- Take one cold winter’s evening and a family meal. Place all ingredients into a casserole dish or browning dish. Cook at 180C for 45-60 minutes, or microwave on high for 20 minutes. Serve over rice.
- Water can be substituted by white wine for a richer meal.
Baked Snapper
- 1 lemon,
- 1 tomato,
- 1 onion,
- 1 t salt
- 1 T brown sugar,
- handful raisins
- Take one freshly caught snapper from the family fishing trip. De-scale and gut in the kitchen sink. Rub the inside of the cavity then rub with salt and brown sugar. Slice up lemon, tomato and onion. Layer the above in the fish and top with raisins. Bake or microwave.
- Recipe also suitable for that perfect 4lb trout brought home by Dad and the kids.
- 1 c plain flour,
- ¾ c milk,
- 1/8 t salt
- 1 egg,
- extra milk
- Combine all ingredients into a bowl and beat well. Use extra milk to thin if too thick, or flour to thicken. Heat a frying pan and melt butter.
- Pour over pancake batter (note thickness will vary widely and that’s a good thing).
- Serve over the breakfast bar with lemon & sugar or jam & ice-cream.
Bacon & Egg Savouries
- Pastry:
- 1 c flour,
- ½ t salt,
- 60g Anchor butter
- 3-4 T water
- Take two intermediate aged children (one at a time) and combine with Home Ec classes. Sift flour & salt into a bowl. Rub in butter. Add water 1 T at a time. Mix to a dough. Roll out pastry and cut into circles to line patty tins.
- Filling:
- 1 egg (beaten)
- 50g cheese (grated)
- bacon (chopped).
- Mix all ingredients together. Spoon filling into pastry cases. Bake at 200C for 15 minutes.
- Repeat recipe often during school holidays or when guests are coming for lunch.
Macaroni Cheese
- ½ c macaroni elbows,
- 3 T Anchor butter,
- 1 small onion finely chopped,
- 2 rashers of bacon,
- 2 T flour,
- ½ t salt,
- 1 ½ c milk,
- pinch cayenne pepper,
- 1 ½ c grated tasty or colby cheese.
- Cook macaroni pasta. Set aside. Melt butter in a saucepan & saute onion and bacon. Add flour & salt and cook until bubbly. Cool.
- Add milk gently while stirring. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly while thickening. Remove from heat & stir in cheese. Season with cayenne pepper or ground pepper.
- Place macaroni cheese in oven proof dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grill until golden brown.
- Serve accompanied with cheap white wine during T-Col days or with orange juice for a casual family evening.
Pauanui Lunch
- 1 loaf fresh bread from the hot bread shop, 4 cinnamon rolls, 4 ice-creams from Mr Whippy, 1 salad (optional).
- Eat ice-creams first (and quickly to avoid melting in the hot summer sun). With whatever room left available, fill with fresh bread, cinnamon rolls and casual salad.
- Relax for at least half an hour before moving to the beach and the more energetic pursuit of boogie boarding.
60 Minute Rolls
- 1 T dried yeast,
- 1 T sugar,
- ½ c warm water (mix together & stand for 5-10 mins in a warm place).
- 1 T Anchor butter,
- ½ c hot milk (add butter to milk allowing butter to melt. Cool to “warm”).
- 2 ½ c flour,
- 1 t salt (sift, make a well in the centre).
- Add the yeast & milk mixtures to the dry ingredients.
- Mix with an old wooden spoon and beat well.
- Turn onto the breakfast bar & knead well until smooth & elastic.
- Raise in the hot water cupboard for 10-15 mins until dough doubles in size.
- Knead dough lightly and form into even sliced rolls. Prove for 10-15 mins or until rolls double in size.
- Cook at 250C just above middle for 15-20 mins or until golden brown.
- Serve with butter, cheese or jam while still hot.
Coconut Ice
- 1 tin sweetened condensed milk,
- 3-4 c icing sugar,
- 4 c coconut,
- 1 t vanilla essence,
- 4-6 drops red food colouring.
- Combine 3 c of icing sugar with condensed milk, coconut & vanilla. Mix well.
- Add remaining icing sugar if required to make firm. Press half the mixture into the base of a 20cm square cake tin.
- Colour remaining mixture and spread over the white coconut ice. Chill until firm, cut into squares and serve to the soccer team after a match or wrap in small plastic bags for the school fair.
Apple Crumble
- Stewed apple (enough to fill a pie dish.)
- 1/3 c flour,
- 25g Anchor butter,
- ¼ t cinnamon
- 2 T brown sugar,
- 1 T rolled oats.
- Mix together flour, cinnamon, oats & brown sugar.
- Melt butter.
- Add melted butter to dry ingredients.
- Sprinkle mixture on top of apple. Bake at 190C for 20-30 min or until golden brown.
- Serve with Swiss Maid Custard.
- Variation: chopped walnuts & raisins & cinnamon can also be added to the apple mixture.
Nana Satchwell’s Apricot Squares
- 4oz Anchor butter,
- ½ tin sweetened condensed milk,
- 3oz brown sugar,
- 1 pkt crushed Girl Guide biscuits,
- 1 c dried chopped apricots.
- Melt butter, sugar & condensed milk together.
- Add apricots and biscuits.
- Press into a slightly greased tin & sprinkle with coconut (optional). Leave to set in the fridge.
- Retain half the resulting for the family & drop the other half off to your best friend.
Ginger Crunch
- 4oz Anchor butter,
- 4oz sugar,
- 7oz flour,
- 1 t ground ginger,
- 1 t baking powder.
- Cream butter & sugar, add sifted dried ingredients.
- Knead well & press into a shallow greased tin. Bake 20-25 mins at 180C.
- Put into a saucepan
- 7 T butter,
- 4 T icing sugar,
- 2 t golden syrup,
- 1 t ground ginger.
- Heat until melted then pour over slice while hot & cut into squares before it gets cold. Serve in school lunches.
- 2 c brown or white sugar,
- 2 c water,
- 1 T vinegar,
- 1 T Anchor butter.
- Put all ingredients into a saucepan Boil without stirring until a little tried in cold water snaps.
- Pour into buttered muffin dishes and serve to the kids in school lunches or as a weekend treat wrapped in greaseproof paper.
Shepherd’s Pie
- 1 large onion,
- 1 packet mince,
- 1 clove crushed garlic,
- 1 tin tomatoes,
- generous serving of frozen mixed vege,
- cheese grated,
- soy sauce & worcestershire sauce to taste.
- Brown chopped onion & garlic in a little olive oil. Add mince & cook until brown. At the same time cook potatoes & mixed vege.
- Combine mince, chopped canned tomatoes, a little soy sauce & worcestershire sauce to taste with mixed vege in a casserole dish.
- Top with mashed potatoes & then grated cheese.
- Cook at 180C for 15-20 mins until cheese is golden brown. Serve for a winter dinner round the TV.
Eggy Bread & Strawberries
- 1 punnet of strawberries,
- 1 T sugar.
- Cut strawberries into halves & remove the leaves. Put into a bowl & sprinkle with sugar.
- Wrap bowl in a tea towel & refrigerate.
- Combine 2 eggs with 1 T milk and a shake of nutmeg. Beat vigorously.
- Heat a frying pan & melt butter to cover the bottom.
- Dip white bread or slices of French toast into the egg mixture & cook through over a moderate heat.
- Serve eggy bread with strawberries & reduced sauce out of the bowl. May also top with whipped cream or marscapone. The perfect anniversary breakfast-in-bed treat!
Pumpkin and Vege Soup
- 1 pumpkin,
- 1 large onion,
- 2 carrots grated,
- several sticks of celery cut finely,
- 1 packet onion soup,
- 2 c water,
- pepper to season.
- Carefully cut up pumpkin into pieces & place in a saucepan. Cover with water & add onion soup mix.
- Heat until boiling then turn down to simmer. Leave for half an hour.
- Cut up onion & add with carrot & celery to the broth. Season to taste.
- Allow to reduce before blending to smooth consistency.
- Serve in bowls with hot buttered toast or 60 minute rolls.
The essential Kiwi fritter
- 1 ¼ c flour
- 1 ½ t baking powder,
- ½ t salt,
- 2 eggs,
- ¾ c milk.
- Sift flour, baking powder & salt into a bowl. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients.
- Beat eggs, then beat in the milk. Pour into the well and stir until the dry ingredients are just dampened. Add corn, whitebait, cut cooked vegetables or any leftovers into the batter & stir.
- Cook in a frying pan in a little butter or olive oil and serve with a salad or with relish for a quick and easy lunch after Saturday sport with the kids.
- 4 egg whites,
- ¼ t salt,
- 1 c caster sugar,
- 1 t vanilla essence,
- 1 t vinegar,
- 2 t cornflour,
- 1 bottle cream (whipped) & fresh fruit to top.
- Pre-heat the oven to 120C. Place egg whites & salt in a bowl. Beat until peaks just fold over when spoon is removed. Beat in caster sugar 1-2 T at a time.
- Continue to beat until the mixture is very stiff. Beat in the vanilla essence, vinegar & cornflour. Place mixture on baking paper on an oven tray.
- Bake for 1 ½ – 2 hours or until surface is crisp and lightly coloured. Cool on rack. Top with cream & fresh fruit & serve generously to family.
Fruit Salad
- Take a generous amount of fruit. Cut into chunks & serve in a large bowl.
- Great with whipped cream or on its own as the perfect end to a wedding supper.
Melted Moro Bars with fruit
- 65g Moro Bar
- ¼ c light sour cream,
- selection of fresh fruit
- Cut the Moro Bar into 1cm wide slices.
- Microwave on 50% power for 1 ½ – 2 mins or until melted.
- Add sour cream and stir vigorously until smooth and creamy.
- May need to return the sauce to the microwave oven for 20-30 seconds and beat again. Serve with seasonal fruit.
- An alternative to the healthy fruit salad (tastier too!)
Sunday Breakfast
- Take 5 eggs (1 extra for Dad) 8 rashers of bacon, 3 tomatoes halved (none for Genevieve) and 8 pieces of bread.
- Preheat the oven to grill at a medium heat. Arrange bacon on a draining rack over a baking dish & put under the grill. Tomatoes also cooked like this.
- Heat water in a saucepan until boiling. Add eggs to the water & watch carefully to avoid overheating (runny yolks a must.)
- Toast bread and keep warm in the oven. Arrange toast, eggs, bacon & tomato (except for Genevieve) on warm plates & serve over the breakfast bar with orange juice.
- Note: The kitchen on Sunday morning is Dad’s domain.
Xmas Breakfast
- As per previous recipe, but Dad won’t be ready until 10am and the presents must wait until after breakfast & Dad’s shower & dressing….
Birthday Chocolate Cake
- 4 oz Anchor butter,
- 1 c sugar,
- 1 egg,
- 1 t vanilla essence,
- 1 T vinegar,
- 1 T golden syrup,
- 2 c flour,
- 1 t baking powder,
- 1 T cocoa,
- ¾ c milk,
- extra ¾ c milk with 1 t baking soda dissolved in it.
- First pull out the birthday cake book and allow the birthday child to choose a cake design of their choice.
- Next, cream butter & sugar. Add egg, vanilla, vinegar & golden syrup. Sift flour, baking powder & cocoa.
- Add alternately with milk. Lastly add milk with baking soda. Put in a ring tin & microwave for 13-15 mins.
- Decorate according to the child’s wishes, adorn with candles, and serve with chippies, jelly and other birthday treats. Spoil the child enough to last them until Xmas!

Elaine and Jason.
- 2 c water,
- 2 ½ c milk,
- 2 c rolled oats,
- ½ c bran flakes,
- ¼ – ½ t salt.
- Bring the water & milk to the boil in a saucepan. Stir in the rolled oats, bran flakes and salt. Cover the pan & simmer over a low heat for about 5 mins or until the porridge is thick and creamy. Stir occasionally.
- Cover in a very thick crust of brown sugar & top with a little milk to hide the taste of the porridge & turn a healthy breakfast into a sticky sweet. This breakfast is to be avoided, when at all possible.
- 1 c flour,
- 2 T sugar,
- 2 t baking powder,
- 1/8 t salt,
- 1 egg,
- 2 T Anchor butter melted.
- Sift flour, sugar, baking powder & salt into a bowl. Beat the egg, then beat in the milk & melted butter. Pour over the dry ingredients and stir until combined.
- Cooking in a frying pan over a moderate heat in a little butter until golden brown.
- Serve with Grandad’s raspberry jam and whipped cream.
- 3 c plain flour,
- 6 t baking powder,
- ¼ t salt,
- 50g Anchor butter,
- 1 ¼ c milk.
- Sift flour, baking powder & salt into a bowl (or mixer). Cut in butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs (hence the mixer).
- Add milk and mix quickly to a soft dough.
- Lightly knead. Lightly dust an oven tray with flour. Press scone dough out onto this. Cut into even pieces, leave 2cm between scones. Brush tops with milk. Bake at 200C for 10 min until golden brown.
- Serve for the family with butter, cheese, gherkins, jam, peanut butter, meats and a selection of relishes & chutneys and whatever else can be found in the fridge to go on the breakfast bar.
Chocolate Mousse
- 1 family block Caramello chocolate,
- 2 egg yolks beaten,
- 2 egg whites whipped to peaking,
- 1 bottle cream whipped.
- Melt chocolate over a double boiler. Fold in egg yolks & stir until chocolate has a glazed appearance.
- Fold in the whipped cream, followed by the egg whites one T at a time. Stir until thoroughly combined.
- Refrigerate for a couple of hours and serve either on its own or with fruit, or stir chocolate balls through the mousse for a uniquely “Mum” treat.
Anzac Biscuits
- 100g Anchor butter,
- 1 T golden syrup,
- ½ c sugar,
- ¾ c coconut,
- ¾ c rolled oats,
- ¾ c flour,
- 1 t baking soda,
- 1 T hot water.
- Melt butter and syrup together in a large saucepan. Cool. Mix sugar, coconut, rolled oats & flour together. Stir into saucepan. Dissolve soda in hot water & mix in. Place rounded teaspoonful on a greased tray. Bake at 180C for 15 mins or until golden.
- Serve to English relatives and colleagues for a uniquely ANZAC experience with biscuits!
Banana Cake
- 125g Anchor butter,
- ¾ c sugar,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 cup mashed bananas,
- 1 t baking soda,
- 1 T hot milk,
- 2 c plain baking flour,
- 1 t baking powder.
- Take one foster sister home for a rare visit and set to work for all those cookies she’ll take with her. Cream butter and sugar.
- Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each. Add mashed banana & mix thoroughly.
- Stir soda into hot milk & add to creamed mixture.
- Sift flour & baking powder together. Stir into mixture.
- Turn into a greased, lined 20cm cake tin. Bake at 180C for 50 mins or until cake springs back when lightly touched. Leave in tin for 10 mins before turning out onto cooling rack.
- Eat while still warm because with family in the house, it will never last until cold.
Backyard BBQ
- Take a healthy dose of Kiwi sunshine, 1 set of plastic outdoor furniture, several salads (including a potato salad) a selection of meat (steak NOT optional) & a generous loaf of bread.
- Cook the meat over the BBQ, serve onto a plate on the table. Serve yourself, relax & take a dip in the pool after lunch!
Chicken Kebabs
- Skewer pieces of chicken, slices of courgettes, mushroom halves, pineapple pieces and capsicum onto skewers.
- Roast over BBQ, relax and enjoy as per previous recipe.
Beef Nachos
- 1 packet mince,
- 1 onion chopped,
- 1 can tomatoes,
- 1 pottle tomato paste,
- 1 can baked beans,
- 100g cheese (grated) nacho chips,
- sour cream to top.
- Fry onion in olive oil until soft. Add meat and cook until brown. Add canned tomatoes (chopped) tomato paste & baked beans. Reduce heat and simmer. Arrange over nacho chips, top with cheese & microwave on high for 1 min to melt cheese.
- Top with sour cream & sprinkle with Tobasco sauce if required.
Chocolate Cup Cakes
- 50g Anchor butter,
- 50g brown sugar,
- 1 egg beaten,
- 75g self-raising flour,
- 3 T cocoa, pinch salt,
- 120ml milk.
- Microwave butter & sugar on high for 20-30 secs. Whisk until creamy. Add egg and whisk well.
- Mix in flour, cocoa & salt alternatively with milk. Mix until smooth,
- Place in microwave muffin cases in muffin tray. Half fill each case, elevate and microwave on high for 2 min.
- Remove cup cakes from tray and leave to cool.
- Serve still warm with whipped cream and kiwifruit for a messy treat for the parents on kids’ cooking night.
Pizza Elaine Style
- Make 1 batch scone mixture (as above).
- Roll out onto a pizza tray.
- Top with tomato paste, spaghetti, onion, pineapple, bacon, tomato & other ingredients as required. Top with cheese.
- Bake at 180C until base is cooked through & cheese is golden brown.
Honeyed Yams
- Chop ends off the yams.
- Slice into 2mm wide slices.
- Gently fry in a little butter until yam slices are a little softened and golden brown.
- Stir through 1 t honey & serve with chicken and other vegetables.
Cheese on Toast
- Wait until half time in a 2am-starting All Blacks Test or the FA Cup Final. Then toast bread, top with cheese and grill in the oven.
- Share between father & daughter, with a cup of tea for Dad.
- Must be speedily made to avoid missing any of the second half.
- 200g Anchor butter,
- ½ c sugar,
- 1 ¼ c plain flour,
- ¼ c cocoa,
- 2 c Cornflakes.
- Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
- Sift flour & cocoa. Stir into creamed mixture.
- Fold in Cornflakes. Spoon mounds of mixture onto a greased oven tray, gently pressing together.
- Bake at 180C for 15 mins or until set.
- When cold ice with chocolate icing and decorate with walnut halves (‘cause that’s the best bit!)
Stuffed Mushrooms
- Take a couple of handfulls of mushrooms and return them to the refrigerator.
- Time is just too short to stuff mushrooms, and food should be relaxed and casual to be most enjoyed by this family.
- Simple, substantial fare!
Hokey Pokey
- 5 T sugar,
- 2 T golden syrup,
- 1 t baking soda.
- Put sugar and golden syrup into a saucepan.
- Heat gently, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves.
- Increase the heat & cook until mixture just starts to boil. Stir occasionally, if necessary, to prevent burning. Remove from heat.
- Add baking soda. Stir quickly until mixture froths up.
- Pour into battered tin immediately. Leave until cold and hard.
- Break into pieces and serve.
- May have to be repeated often if Jeremy is visiting from Aus.
Potatoes in Cream
- Slice potatoes thinly (don’t need to be pealed), slice one onion thinly, ½ pot of cream, grated cheese.
- Layer potato and onion. Every couple of layers pour over small amount of cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. May also sprinkle parsley through this dish. Top with cheese.
- Bake at 180C for 30-45 mins.
- Serve with glazed orange carrots, buttered beans and meat of your choice.
Vegetable Bake Off
- 8 mushrooms halved,
- 4 tomatoes (cut into 8 pieces)
- courgettes (thickly sliced)
- yellow capsicum (in thick strips)
- potato & pumpkin (cut into chunks & microwaved on high to soften)
- pieces of feta cheese,
- basil pesto,
- olive oil.
- Toss all ingredients except olive oil into a generous roasting dish. Dot with basil pesto & drizzle over olive oil. Bake at 180C for 45 mins or until ingredients are turning golden brown.
- Serve on generous plates at Genevieve’s Auckland house for a group of friends, or alone.
Creamy Pasta Bows with Chicken
- Pasta bows (boiled)
- ½ punnet cream,
- juice of 1 lemon,
- 1 onion,
- 1 large boneless chicken breast,
- 1 yellow or red capsicum,
- handful mushrooms.
- Saute onion in a frying pan in a little olive oil.
- Add chicken & brown.
- Pour over cream & lemon. Bring to a slow boil, turn down heat and allow to simmer for a further 5 mins.
- Serve with chilled white wine (can be de-alcoholised) for a low fuss but high impact meal to be enjoyed by guests.
Mini Auckland Pizzas
- 4 pita breads,
- tomato paste,
- oregano,
- feta cheese cubes.
- Toast pita breads. Arrange on a baking tray.
- Cover with tomato paste. Sprinkle with oregano ( can also use rosemary) either fresh or from a jar.
- Top with feta cheese cubes & grill for approx 2 mins.
- Serve in front of the Tennis Open on Sky Digital.
Potato Salad
- Cut potatoes into generous chunks.
- Cook in a pan until cooked through. Allow to cool.
- Combine mayonnaise with mustard and toss through potatoes. Sprinkle with spring onions, capsicum & fresh herbs.
- Toss the salad & serve in a generous platter by the BBQ.
Chocolate Log
- 1 packet chocolate chippie biscuits,
- generous serving of sherry,
- one bottle of cream whipped.
- Soak biscuits in sherry one at a time.
- Arrange in a log shape with whipped cream between individual biscuits and then around the log.
- Sprinkle with chocolate flakes.
- Refrigerate until chilled through.
- Serve infrequently; divine, but very rich.